Rowland, I was also determined to clean up externals, after swaging I too di
scovered lack of space. I have elected to put turnbuckles with locking pins i
nside the fuselage opting for changing one end of the turnbuckle to fit dire
ctly to the pushrods horn. I will live with having the springs gathering gra
ss where, at least I can check tension visually.
This decision is so new that the fork end Turnbuckle parts had not arrived y
esterday when I left for a Scottish Gliding and walking holiday. You are wel
come to visit Bicester from Sunday 12th. You may be engaged to help me fit t
hem though.
Regards Alan Twigg
Sent from my iPhone
> On 4 Oct 2014, at 00:22, Fred Klein <> wrote:
>> On Oct 3, 2014, at 12:49 PM, Rowland Carson <> wro
>> Before I start the fiddly job of re-making cable thimbles on the springs (
and throwing away the expensive turnbuckle fork ends), can anyone offer thou
ghts on how the tailwheel cable turnbuckles can operate inside the fuselage w
ithout fouling the plastic fairleads?
> RowlandI too envisioned the aft turnbuckles within the fuselage, b
ut after encountering the identical problem you face, I also had concerns ab
out my ability to make adjustments to them plus the essential safety-wiring
consequently, my aft turnbuckles will be flying in the breeze