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RE: Europa-List: Swiss Tony

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Swiss Tony
From: Peter Jeffers <>
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2014 09:22:18
Hi Nev,  As promised at the Rally you can count me in.


PS I received the OCTOBER mag a week or so ago and have long since ditched
to address sheet. Suggestions please

[] On Behalf Of Neville Eyre
Sent: 05 October 2014 20:22
Subject: Europa-List: Swiss Tony

Hi All,  a message to all L.A.A Members,

We have the LAA AGM coming up in November, I intend to submit a proposal
that no work from the [in] famous photographer who used to run [ into the
ground] Europa, be used in the LAA Magazine,[ initials of this git are KW, I
don't want to spell out his name as he is vain enough to be Googling himself
and a searchbot might bring this up ?] For those of you not familiar with
the name Swiss Tony, he was a character on the TV's  ''Fast Show'' look on
Youtube to see how that fits !

If I propose the motion, I have someone who lost a lot of money to him who
will second it, I need all the rest of you [ and as many non Europa LAA
members as you can rustle up ] to vote with the proxy form in this months
Mag' [ reverse side of address sheet]

Any backers ?



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