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Re: Europa-List: RG393 coax

Subject: Re: Europa-List: RG393 coax
From: Fred Klein <>
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 09:20:41

On Oct 18, 2014, at 9:16 PM, Erich Trombley <> 
> I have the Dynon transponder installed with RG58 coax.  I wasn't too 
excitedabout having to replace the coax so I thought I would give it a 
try with theexisting RG59 cable. While I can't speak to losses of the 
coax I haven't hadany issues with the transponder or ATC complaints and 
I fly out of a toweredfield.  I also have their ADSB box, and the 
traffic and weather are 
> fantastic. 
Erich=85thanks for this data=85reassuring on one hand while raising 
questions about the quality of the technical advice I=92ve received from 
Dynon. As I=92ve posted, I=92m awaiting 10 ft. of RG400 for my XPNDR and 
will keep my RG58 for my COM.

You sound very happy w/ your SkyView=85you don=92t by any chance have 
the new 10=94 touch screen do you?=85the TS is an option unavailable to 
me w/ my 7=94 screen...tough to keep up w/ change and the latest bells 
and whistles.


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