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Europa-List: Re: Mod 60 Europa Fuel Gauge

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Mod 60 Europa Fuel Gauge
From: Clive Sutton <>
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 01:04:25

Graham, Brian:
Good points about the accuracy vs fuel density - i hadn't thought of that though
i'm not sure what the worst case error could actually be.  I omitted to say
that i also had a FF meter and whilst that is more accurate, it is only so if
one remembers to dial in the amount of fuel added to the tank each time - since
it only subtracts from its 'total' qty based upon the flow rate.  For this 
i think any 'manual' gauge is a very useful cross-check.  I found the lumpy
change in level with the magnet and pole type level sensor to be rather 
occasionally.  Incidentally, I recently bought kit 121 that Gerry Cole
started back in 1994 - he has fashioned (approved by Jon Tempest) a separate
manometer style tube into which the float type sensor screws - enabling a manual
check of fuel level - image below i hope.  Clive

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