I am inclined to turn the question around - where have you been buying Mogas
no Ethanol in it?
I religiously tested all fuel used in my Europa from 2009 to 2012 without
a positive result. Then l found the specification for EN228:2008 which states
that up to 5% Ethanol can be used.
I had also used BS 7800:2006 (RON 97) Super-unleaded in the belief that it would
be better for the Rotax. I suffered some vapourisation issues with that fuel.
Checking the spec indicates that zero Ethanol is allowed.
EN228 RON 95 fuel contains 5% Ethanol. See attachment.
There is also some usual guidance on the web, including the following:
(from sam-manicom.com/2012/03/a-question-of-ethanol/), which concludes:
"So, ethanol is here to stay and we all need to adapt, use additives, adjust
replace sensitive components etc etc etc. On the other hand, we may all
have being putting ethanol in our tanks since 1988 and almost certainly since
2002. So, if it hasnt broken yet, and if we can hang on to 5% maximum ethanol
content fuels (the so-called protection grades) then we might just carry on
as we are."
I recommend a really good look around and in (borrow a boroscope) your tank at
each annual. Checking the finger strainers and filters should reveal any
in tank treatment.
John W
John Wighton
Europa XS trigear G-IPOD
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