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RE: Europa-List: Warping or shrinkage of fuselage around and below fuel

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Warping or shrinkage of fuselage around and below fuel
From: Bob Harrison <>
Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 22:36:19
Hi! Will,
The condition you relate is quite common when bid straps are used to attach
the filler "telephone" type of fuel filler moulding. But it only reflects
the curing of the actual straps where it adheres to the inner skin. I think
the later suggestion was to apply a large area of bid prior to using the bid
straps on top of that. Hopefully yours isn't worse than that?
Bob Harrison G-PTAG.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of willydewey
Sent: 27 December 2014 19:53
Subject: Europa-List: Warping or shrinkage of fuselage around and below fuel

I have seen some severe distortion in the skin below the filler cap on a TRI
gear and would welcome independent advice why it happened and what method of
repair is recommended for a permanent repair?

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