Hi Rick=2C
I had the foresight to install 8mm eyebolts at build time=2C so not much us
e to you.For parking I only have north/south positions=2C which is not good
. My unorthodox method is to leave a lot of slack=2C then the aircraft will
weathercock into wind. Bad weather tends to come fromthe east. If hurrican
e force winds were forecast I would derig and at least bring the wings home
into my garage.Karl
> Subject: Europa-List: Re: Tie-down points
> From: Rkwmoss@gmail.com
> Date: Sun=2C 4 Jan 2015 10:02:58 -0800
> To: europa-list@matronics.com
> Cheers all=2C
> I have a tie-down point below the fin=2C presumably attached to the tailw
heel hard-point. I guess it's best to be tail-into-wind with the rudder gus
t-locked=2C stick held forwards (or tailplane removed?) and flaps down. Som
e sort of screw-in eyebolts mid-span on each wing would be lovely=2C but no
t a feasible retro-fit.
> If you have to leave them parked in forecast strong winds=2C has anybody
considered the feasibility of removing the wings entirely? I'm thinking tha
t a 35kt wind from the front is going to seriously test any tie-downs.
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=436612#436612