Hi Jaques,=0ANice panel; interesting to see that-the trim switch has been
installed so that the operation matches the position indicator - ie.,'up'
against 'up' - contrary to the manual. I've turned my switch around as well
and-it's certainly more instinctive, and hence safer-for me, than the
original configuration. =0AKind Regards=0APeter=0A =0A=0A__________________
______________=0A From: ploucandco <jacques@platisource.com>=0ATo: europa-l
ist@matronics.com =0ASent: Thursday, 5 February 2015, 14:19=0ASubject: Euro
pa-List: Integrating an ipad mini in the panel=0A =0A=0A--> Europa-List me
ssage posted by: "ploucandco" <jacques@platisource.com>=0A=0AHello all,=0A
=0AJust wanted to share some pictures of the outstanding work that Dirk Oye
n, the builder of OO-145, did by integrating an ipad mini in his panel. A n
ew left panel fiberglass made in which you just slide in the ipad mini.=0A
=0AOn top of that, a dedicated converter takes the ipad lightning connector
digital audio information and transforms it to analog in order to enter th
e aux input of the Funke ATR833 radio.=0A=0ASo Skydemon as moving map and t
he ipad music player as entertainment source. The cable on the pictures is
the original one without audio interface.=0A=0AHave fun, Jacques=0A=0A=0A
=0A=0ARead this topic online here:=0A=0Ahttp://forums.matronics.com/viewtop
ic.php?p=438074#438074=0A=0A=0A=0A=0AAttachments: =0A=0Ahttp://forums.mat