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Re: Europa-List: RE: Europa for sale

Subject: Re: Europa-List: RE: Europa for sale
From: stephan cassel <>
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 13:37:26
Yes, I agree 100%

After 8 years of Mono and about 500 hours I very glad that build and now
flying a Mono.

I am NOT above average pilot but I asked Pet Jeffers to train me and check
me out.
That was the trick. Before he came over to Norway I took about 100 takeoffs
and landings
with Super Cub. I found out that Super Cub is much more demanding than
Mono, specially
in cross wind.

My conclusion is:
Proper training and Mono is very simple to handle as long you are following
the "Mono rules".
Must important ones I have found out are: Tailwheel as long as possible on
ground and nose pointing straight forward.

What I found interesting is when I, by misstake, have not lined up the
airplane perfect before touchdown, it yaws back towards center ready to
land again. This time inline.
If it was pure luck I am not sure but it has conducted this polite
behaviour 4-5 times.

Stephan Cassel

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