Ira =0A=0Athat has the potential to be a brilliant solution.=0AGraham=0A=0A
=0A=0A________________________________=0A From: rampil <
m>=0ATo: =0ASent: Thursday, 19 March 2015, 13:05
=0ASubject: Europa-List: Re: Knowing the actual fuel level?=0A =0A=0A--> Eu
ropa-List message posted by: "rampil" <>=0A=0AThe Europ
a fuel measurement options are all problematic.=0A=0AThe original sight gau
ge was difficult to read and inaccurate. The sight =0Agauge I installed bet
ween the seats still has two very significant problems.=0AOne: the vent for
the sight tube of necessity must have some bends in the=0Atubing, allowing
fuel to become trapped and preventing the gauge from =0Afree venting. This
occurs when line boys are over exuberant about =0Afilling up the filler ne
ck and flooding the vent line (which I have opening=0Ainto the top of the f
iller neck).- Trapped fuel then causes the sight tube to=0Aread inches lo
w.=0ATwo: The curious saddle bag design of the tank allows easy, yet =0Aund
etectable shifting of what fuel you may believe to be in the reserve =0Asid
e into the main, potentially leaving nothing for reserve. This has happened
=0Aafter some gentleman macro and even after some steep turns in the =0Apre
sence of bumpy air.=0A=0AThe capacitive measurement systems are all non-sta
rters where we are=0Afortunate to have choices in fuel (av vs. mo-gas).=0A
=0AThe remediation I have been playing with involves two honeywell pressure
=0Atransducers at the bottom of each fuel bung feeding an Arduino with a=0A
touch sensitive LCD screen. Not quite finished for publication, but the =0A
thought is that it should provide legible, filtered, reliable fuel weight o
n=0Aeach side, calibrated to the funky shape of the tank.=0A=0ATwo design d
ecisions I made in the prototype may come back to force a =0Arevision: I di
d not use differential transducers because 1) the limited =0Aaltitude range
I normally fly at would lead to a trivial error by neglecting=0Ahead space
pressure (also very difficult to find gasoline-tolerant differential=0Atra
nsducers), and 2) by installing the transducers at a tee in the =0Abungs, t
here will be a small artifactual pressure drop which varies with=0Afuel flo
w.=0A=0AWhen I finish testing, I will let you know.=0A=0A--------=0AIra N22
4XS=0A=0A=0A=0A=0ARead this topic online here:=0A=0Ahttp://forums.matronics
.com/viewtopic.php?p=439585#439585=0A=0A=0A=0A=0AAttachments: =0A=0Ahttp:
=- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Matt Dralle