Hi Tim,
I thought it must be coming from the areas you suggest, based on the history
of fuel smells in a Europa. I filled my tank until the cobra pipe was
completely full and sat the aircraft on its tail (it is a Trigear) and left
it for half an hour and then did a very detailed sniff/wipe/visual
inspection of all of the pipe work. - no sign of a leak and no smell.
I have the ally pipe in place of the rubber pipe joining the cobra to the
The only evidence of fuel leaks I have found are fuel stains below the small
hole in the plenum chamber on the left side. I assumed that fuel was
overflowing from the left carb float chamber vent pipe which goes into the
plenum chamber and then out through the drain hole. This only makes sense
when the engine is not running because I would have thought that, in flight,
any overflow would be sucked into the carb intake but maybe I am wrong.
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com
[mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of Timward
Sent: 11 May 2015 21:58
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Smell of petrol in the cocpit just after takeoff
Hi all,
You may well find it nothing to do with the engine.
Look at the inlet fuel cobra pipe connection to the fuel cap, the rubber
pipe from the cobra to the tank, and the connection between the rubber pipe
and fuel tank. Also the condition of the rubber pipe.
All have the potential to give off smells and on take off, with a full tank,
the higher pitch attitude can do this.
Kind regards,
Tim Ward
12 Waiwetu Street
Christchurch, 8052
New Zealand.
Ph 64 3 3515166
Mob 0210640221
> On 12/05/2015, at 7:17 am, dpy01 <alanb@dpy01.co.uk> wrote:
> If you have recently dropped the fuel bowel check the gasket has seated
correctly when you have reassembled.
> Are the floats, floating correct. See the service bulletin on sinking
> There is a tool for checking that the float operated valve actually
> has the correct pressure applied when the bowls are full and the
> floats are floating
> Also the new mech pump is higher pressure and can overcome floats if not
applying the right pressure on the fuel shutoff valve.
> Alan
> iRMT
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 11 May 2015, at 19:22, Brian Davies <brian.davies@clara.co.uk> wrote:
>> --> <brian.davies@clara.co.uk>
>> Hi John,
>> I have had almost the same problem on my aircraft (Trigear 912ULS).
>> My fuel smell seems at its worst soon after take off and at initial
>> throttIe- back at about 1000 ft. I thought I had narrowed it down to
>> one of the carbs flooding after take off and changed the float
>> needles to the latest type and the problem seemed to go away. Rotax
>> have tried three different spring strengths for the float needles so
>> there must be a problem they were trying to fix. The problem came
>> back a few weeks ago so I am also interested in other reports of this
>> Regards
>> Brian Davies.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com
>> [mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of
>> JohnFrance
>> Sent: 11 May 2015 18:38
>> To: europa-list@matronics.com
>> Subject: Europa-List: Smell of petrol in the cocpit just after
>> takeoff
>> --> <77alembert@gmail.com>
>> Hi All,
>> During a flight yesterday I had a fairly strong smell of petrol in
>> the cabin just after take off and while in the climb, it lasted about 2
>> I recently removed the drip trays from under the carbs on the advice
>> of several people. Their view was, it's better to have a few drips
>> catching fire than a bigger volume that has been heated up.
>> One of the trays did have a horizontal ring around the inside like a
>> tide mark.
>> The float chambers of both carbs were cleaned and inspected as well
>> as floats and pins for wear. The floats are not part of the various
>> duffer series so I must admit I didn't weigh them. Perhaps I should have!
>> Upon reassembly I pressurized the system and was particularly
>> attentive to the starboard one that had the "tide mark" inside the tray.
>> I don't have any proof of the origin of the smell but I made the link
>> to a recent change that I have carried out.
>> If anyone has any ideas how I might trace the problem or curative
>> measures I would like to know?
>> Best regards
>> John
>> --------
>> Europa mono Nr 192
>> Read this topic online here:
>> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442016#442016
>> -----
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