I used the Skybolt fasteners for my cowl. There are some things that I would do
differently. The receptacles should be made to attach to a flat surface inside
the cabin area. That means it needs to be built up so that the stud is flat
against the cowling. These are made for aluminum that is 0.20 to 032 in
Our cowls are thicker. I have had trouble keeping the Grommet in place
because of the wear and alignment of the holes and studs. I have tried to
re-enforce the area, but it only last for a while. The last couple of time I
have glassed in an AN 970 washers, but then it takes a larger or thicker
The other thing I don't like is they were sold to me a water proof, well
the leak. If I leave the aircraft out I tape the top cowl with some tape, if
I remember to bring it with me.
I do like the look and the quick release of the cowl. If I were to do it again
I just might go with 10/32 screws. They are a whole lot cheaper.
Rick Stockton
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