Remi=92s post below begs the question as to why short-wing-mono builders
have not decoupled flaps from the LG by using the electric flap
mechanism of the trigger=85?...or made the modification after
recognizing the condition he describes.
Or am I unconsciously looking for a rationale to further delay that
first flight?
PS: BTW, here is the latest speedod for the mono, :-))
> On Aug 1, 2015, at 4:26 AM, Remi Guerner <>
> I consider the compulsory 27 degree flap setting of the monowheel to
be a big inconvenience on take off. The aircraft levitates at low speed
close to the ground before having enough speed to start the climb and
allowing the flaps/gear to be retracted. During those few seconds, the
aircraft is very sensitive to wind gusts, especially in a crosswind and
that is a potentially dangerous situation. I would love to be able to
take off with 5 or 10 degrees of flaps. But I would not exchange my
speedy monowheel for a trigear.