Pete, I have a funke TRT800H transponder in my Europa, so far few but good
As for the COM I prefered the Dittel KRT2: excellent unit with a reasonable
price, low power consumption, dual watch, there exists an adapter for the
Microair COM for an easy upgrade. Very good experiences so far. Have a look
at there website for more information.
Regards Alfred
Von meinem iPad gesendet
> Am 15.08.2015 um 14:18 schrieb Pete Lawless <>:
> Hi All
> Just thinking of an upgrade to my Microair radio and old Mode C King.
> Anyone using funke? They appear to be better value than the Trig or Becker but
I do not know anyone who uses one.
> Comments on user experience please. In particular is the built in intercom
> any
> Thanks
> Pete
> G-RMAC Classic #109