Hi David,
I was a sixer in the Cubs and a patrol leader in the
scouts I'd like to assist but don't have the hours demanded.
Best wishes
On Saturday, August 29, 2015, <davidjoyce@doctors.org.uk> wrote:
> Dear All, The Gloster Strut & the Europa Club have for many years
> supported the annual Scout camp at Defford, just north of Gloucester. It is
> in two weekends time and we aim to give flights to about 35 scouts on the
> Saturday to complete their flying badges. They have all done lots of
> preparatory work on all aspects of flying and are enormously keen. For
> those of us who have helped before it has proved an enormously rewarding
> experience, quite apart from the fantastic pancakes they make for your
> lunch! We could still do with one or two more volunteers to help with the
> flying. No age limitations. 250 hrs total and good currency required. If
> you feel you can help please contact me for further details
> Regards, David Joyce, GXSDJ
> *
> *