Referring to the reinforcing layups between the baggage bay bulkhead floor and
the support ribs, the manual p28M-14 issue 3 says:
After cure the joint should be reinforced with 2 plies of bid at 45 lapping
the ribs and bulkhead by 25 mm
Its not clear to me whether that means layups on BOTH sides of each support rib.
I had initially assumed so, but just below that, to reinforce the baggage-bay
bulkhead join with the fuselage, the manual says:
layup 2 plies of bid each side of the join between the fuselage and the rear
bay bulkhead, lapping them onto each by 25 mm
So, its explicitly calling for layups both sides in that region. Comparing the
2 instructions suggests to me that the support ribs are only intended to have
a reinforcing layup on one side (at both top & bottom edges) since the phrase
each side of the join is not used in reference to the ribs.
Does anyone have a definitive answer?
in friendship
| Rowland Carson ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...
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