thanks for the replies.
Its not clear to me if they come with the servo or if that's extra and purchased
separately - seems like its possible to use a number of servos, but some are
stepper motors.
My plane seems very sensitive in pitch - maybe that is worth considering as well
as roll; is there a Mod for that?
I currently fly a course on a Nexus 7 using Skydemon software. I guess in this
case I would have to set the heading for each leg on the say a Trio EZ?
Seems like all the vendors are in the USA?
Does anyone have any bits they have just never got round to fitting?
Hard to see how one would rivet in a hole under the seat unless they are all on
the top few degrees!
Is a right angle drill required for the mod?
Graeme Bird
Mono Classic/XS FFW 912S/Woodcomp 3000/3W
Newby: 200 hours 4 years on the Mono
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