Vladimir, The Europa has excellent small, rough field landing
capabilities and the motor glider even more so., ESPECIALLY IF A MONO.
The Rotax serries of engines have excellent reliability. I would feel
that contemplating a BRS system is vitually pointless, and inevitably
would add significant weight. Much better to concentrate on building it
as light as possible.
Regards, David Joyce, GXSDJ
On 2015-10-31 09:50, Rowland Carson wrote:
> On 2015-10-31, at 01:06, Wladimir Kummer <wladimirkummer@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Do you know of any Europa with a BRS? I'm considering installing one in my
>> MotorGlider.
Still have the fuse top not bonded so I figure would be a not so difficult
> Wladimir - there was much work done on a BRS mod on kit 251 in UK. Miles
> McCallum
published a series of articles in Flyer magazine on his progress (might be
some info still available in online archives?). I seem to recall that there
was a lot of calculation needed to determine the routing and termination of the
cables etc to ensure the integrity of load paths. I think the extra weight
was quite a penalty too. I believe the BRS mod proposal was eventually
abandoned by Miles. The kit was eventually sold on unfinished, is now registered
G-MLXP and may be flying.
> My feeling is that a BRS system needs to be thought about at the basic design
stage for the aircraft, not tacked on as an afterthought - particularly for
> in friendship
> Rowland
> | Rowland Carson ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...
> | <rowlandcarson@gmail.com> http://www.rowlandcarson.org.uk [1]
> | Skype, Twitter: rowland_carson Facebook: Rowland Carson
> | pictures: http://picasaweb.google.com/rowlandcarson [2]
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