I have to admit that I normally avoid LeTorquet due to the charges but I hav
e to admit that the last time I went there, September 2015 the landing fee w
as a reasonable =82=AC12
Dave Watts G-BXDY Classic Mono 2,200 hours
> On 8 Mar 2016, at 11:35, wrote:
> Glenn, Le Touquet is very well set up for first timers, especially if you a
re not planning to go deep into France. The only minor drawback is that they
charge you 20 euros or some such - more like English A/Fs than French stand
ards. If you are going further into France then Troyes is a good choice, wit
h customs (on request) and UL91 on tap and an interesting city to overnight i
n. I attach last year's Le Touquet briefing sheet that was prepared for the a
nnual Europa Club Fly out (due May 21st this year), which is set up with Cha
nnel virgins in mind. Are you in the Europa club? If not I strongly recommen
d it, also you will find a wealth of relevant info & what I like to feel is t
he best aviation weather page on the club site ( You a
re welcome to give me a ring if you have specific queries - number on club w
ebsite & in club magazine (Europa Flyer).
> Regards, David Joyce, GXSDJ, Club Trips organiser
>> On 2016-03-08 10:10, Glenn Perry wrote:
>> Hello everybody,
>> Im new to the Europa and the forum. I hope to be heading to France in a f
ew weeks and was looking for some advice regarding an entry Airport. I will b
e crossing around Lydd as that is where the channel in the narrowest. I need
to gain more confidence in the plane before going further over water.
>> Where would you suggest I clear customs/Immigration into France, bearing i
n mind that I speak no French? Any advise would be most appreciated.
>> Glenn Perry G-DLCB Classic Mono
>> ">
>> ttp://
> <Le Touquet Briefing 2015.doc>