Like Alan I have grouped my wiring and run it in the coolest area
possible (above the engine). But, rather than spiral wrap, I have used
cable ties to bundle it and tie it down. So far, so good.
Blue skies & tailwinds,
Bob Borger
Europa XS Tri, Rotax 914, Airmaster C/S Prop (75 hrs).
Little Toot Sport Biplane, Lycoming Thunderbolt AEIO-320 EXP
3705 Lynchburg Dr.
Corinth, TX 76208-5331
Cel: 817-992-1117
rlborger@mac.com <mailto:rlborger@mac.com>
On May 10, 2016, at 7:10 AM, William Daniell
<wdaniell.longport@gmail.com> wrote:
Do engine bay wires need to be protected from heat?
I am installing a dynon and the EGT wires come protected with steel
Do the CHT, Oil temp and Oil press etc need to be protected in some
way? If so how?
All is tefzel wire.
Many thanks
William Daniell
+57 310 295 0744