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Re: Europa-List: Reposition oil cooler on Classic Trigear

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Reposition oil cooler on Classic Trigear
From: David Watts <>
Date: Fri, 13 May 2016 17:21:50


I moved my oil cooler years ago. I mounted the cooler to the engine, centrally
below the spinner arc which allows me to remove the cowling S without removing
the cooler. I made a smiley face opening in the cowl and formed walls to duct
the air straight to the cooler.

This is not a 100% cure and excess climbing does require throttling back, but 
normal climbs can be performed ok, and once levelled off my temps drop quite
quickly and in the current 25 degrees I get very low 100s or even high 90s
for the oil temps and CHTs at 90

Unfortunately this does fall within the requirements for a LAA Mod.

Dave Watts
G-BXDY Monowheel Classic 2,200 hrs.

> On 13 May 2016, at 15:54, GBWFH2010 <> wrote:
> As part of my investigations into the cause of very high oil temps on my 
> Classic
I am considering moving the oil cooler to a dedicated cowling inlet. Have
any other Classic owners done this and, if so, would you be willing to let me
have some details on how you achieved this?
> Also, the dreaded question. Would I have to classify this as a mod as far as
the LAA were concerned?
> Finally I show below the text of my post on the Rotax forum. If anyone has any
ideas I would be delighted to hear them!
> Aircraft:  Europa Classic Tri Gear
> Engine :  Rotax 912 UL (80HP) TT 440 hours
> Propeller:  Airmaster 
> I am having a major problem with excessive oil temperature. The Europa Classic
is not brilliant when it comes to cooling due to the design feature of having
the oil cooler mounted behind the left hand coolant radiator and I have carried
out all the recommended mods suggested by other Europa owners to improve 
These have helped and but now the weather is getting warmer (21 degrees!)
I have discovered things have taken a turn for the worse.
> My last three flights have been a nightmare due to soaring oil temperature. 
> For
example, yesterday I started my take off roll with an oil temp of 80C and had
to reduce power and level off after less than two minutes (1300 ft) with the
oil temp approaching 130C and CHT of 120C. Cruising at that level quickly drops
the CHT to 110C but the oil takes an age to fall below 120C. If I can get
the aircraft into the cruise above 2500ft the temps stabilise at just below 110C
Oil and 100C CHT, the problem is I just cant get that high at the moment.
> I have not changed anything on the aircraft so I am assuming it must be an 
> engine
problem.  The oil level is always correct and I use Aeroshell Sport Plus
4 and Rotax filters. The oil has done less than 20 hours and I use MOGAS with
no ethanol. Oil pressure is OK and is about 2.8  3 Bar at a normal cruise.   
> Does anyone have any ideas what could possibly be causing this problem? I 
> really
hope so as I am not going anywhere as things stand!
> Gordon Grant
> Europa Classic G-BWFH
> --------
> Gordon Grant
> Read this topic online here:

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