WilliamI shared your concernsand I was particularly
concerned about the stability of the fuselage when removing and
installing the wingsthe attached photos show the FG covered
foam blocks I fabricated to do soall in all, a small and easy
jobI made the blocks to be removable, thinking they would be
problematic when rolling the plane on and off the trailer, however,
I=99ve found that raising the tail creates the required
clearance. While in transit, I use a rachet strap to keep the fuselage
---From moving.
> On Jun 11, 2016, at 6:05 AM, William Bliss <william@wbliss.co.uk>
> Hello all - Advice/experience please
> I am planning on using cut down wings for preventing the fuselage
rocking from side to side on the monowheel trailer.
> I would get a pair of u/s wings, cut them off just outboard of the
inner rib and make attachment points for a strap (or elastic bungee
chord) to go down and attach to the trailer frame. These short stubby
wings would attach to the fuselage in the same way as the flying wings
> Does this seem like a good idea? My slight concern is that the forces
on the fusalage attachment points with road use may be greater than the
forces they were designed for in flight. I would have thought this
method has been considered before.
> William Bliss G-WUFF