/Le 10/06/2016 23:50, pestar a crit :
> Recently after just taking off 500AGL I watched my fuel pressure
> disappear to zero, then the motor started missing and ultimately
> stopped. I made a forced landing into a field which had many rabbit
> holes, one of which damaged my front leg./
Hi Peter,
Just heard about your mishap during a seminar in Paris two days ago.
Nicolas attended too.
Sorry about the damage to the airplane, and congratulations for getting
away unharmed.
> My primary pump is always on and is turned on/off by an electronic ECB
> (button
pushes on the EFIS) so it is a procedure to turn it on,
This is a surprise to me. I believed your setup was identical to ours
with the main engine pump being turned on any time the ignition switch
is on ?
Best regards,