Hello David,
My apologise I should be going to the Guernsey Air
Rally this weekend.
Best wishes
On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 8:56 AM, houlihan tim <houlihan@blueyonder.co.uk>
> Subject: Europa AGM at air Britain Fly In Sat 18 June
> Date: 2016-06-13 18:34
> From: davidjoyce@doctors.org.uk
> To: europa list <europa-list@matronics.com>
> Can I give all UK and Continental Europa Pilots a heads up for this
> Saturday's Europa Club AGM, which is being held in conjunction with the Air
> Britain Classic Fly-In at North Weald (EGSX)? This event is strictly PPR
> for those flying in on the Saturday (or the Sunday - although if you come
> on Sunday you will miss the AGM!) Telephone +44 (0)1992 524510 for PPR,
> slot timing and arrival instructions. Many arrival and airfield details
> are at: www.air-britain.com/flyin-by-air.htm but please note that reading
> these does not constitute PPR. This promises to be an interesting event at
> a very interesting historic airfield, quite apart from the Club AGM
> We shall have our own marquee for the AGM, which will take place at
> 2.30pm and we very much hope to see large numbers of Europa friends there.
> Regards, David Joyce, GXSDJ, Trips coordinator