Replacing the bungees with springs is a job I have planned for next winter, for
now I will be putting on a new bungee. Main reason is that the stop tube is
which I feel needs to be rectified first (as described in the appendix
of Mod 71). Putting on a new bungee took some fiddling but I got it done.
Now comes the 'fun part' for which I am seeking advise:
On p. 29T-13 of the build manual there are 3 pictures illustrating the way the
bungee should be 'routed' through the nose gear mounting frame. These images
a routing over the top horizontal tube.
On the next page (29T-14) there is an illustration that shows a different
the bungee is routed over the middle tube and then straight down again.
I had to route the bungee as shown on page 29T-14 (around bottom tube and
tube) because I have insufficient clearance between top tube and firewall (1-2.5
mm maximum, by far not enough to squeeze the bungee through).
This leads to a few questions:
1. Which of the two routings is the intended/recommended one?
2. I found I had to stretch the bungee to appr. 225% (instead of the 175%
in the build manual) to get the minimum 150kg force to get the stop off the
middle tube (this leads me to believe that the recommended routing is over
the top tube); will this extended stretching cause degradation of the bungee or
it's expected lifespan?
3. What is the effect of having less length of bungee as compared to when
it over the top tube? Any way to counter/minimize negative effects, f.i. by
adding a second loop of -say- 4 loops around the existing 7 loops? (if this is
at all possible, would this second loop not 'cut' into the first one, hence
causing other problems?)
I am having trouble assessing how my install will hold, any advise from the
would be highly appreciated.
Marcel Zwakenberg
XS TG || 912ULS || PH-SBR
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