I would be interested to see the rest of the rigging aid if you can get some
more photos.
Steve Pitt
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Sent from my iPad
> On 7 Jul 2016, at 16:10, Roger Sheridan <rogersheridan@mac.com> wrote:
> Hi Glenn,
> I presently operate from a storage container and am able to rig & de-rig s
ingle handed.
> Fuselage rests on a dolly copied from that designed by Roger Targett & use
d by David Joyce.
> Wings dollies were built by Roger Huttlestone & cleverly pivot through 90 d
egrees. Roger told me last year that he has the moulds but would need a patt
ern part to produce the frame again.
> I would be in a second set of wing dollies if there were sufficient intere
> Photos attached.
> Cheers,
> Roger
> 07540 851867
> <dolly2.jpg>
> <Dolly.jpeg>
>>> On 7 Jul 2016, at 11:25, Glenn Perry <gfhperry@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On a different subject, I remember someone mentioning that they rig and d
e-rig their Monowheel by themselves. Could you shed some light on what sort o
f equipment you use to do this solo?
>> Regards,
>> Glenn Perry (G-DLCB)