Roddy, You can trim it to whatever sort of balance you like by adding a
strip of triangular section wood under the trailing edge of the aileron
of the wing you want to push down. Cross section roughly 2cm fore & aft,
5 or 6mm at thick trailing edge. Stick say 15" on temporarily and then
shorten to achieve desired effect before sticking/ painting permanently.
Regards, David Joyce, GXSDJ
On 2016-07-20 08:23, wrote:
> Hi
> Since I had my europa repaired it has a tendency to fly one wing down. I
> suspect
this may be due to one wing having been repaired by a professional sailplane
repairer (Roger Targett) and this wing being more efficient at generating lift
than the 15 year old, not quite so pristine, other wing.
> Questions for the group -
> 1) is there any way I can rig the ailerons to correct this? I suspect that if
I adjust the aileron on the wing that drops the ailerons will just centralise
slightly down. maybe a small trim tab?
> 2) Do others find that their europas will slowly drop a wing if flown hands
> off?
In practice, its not a problem as I have a wing leveler installed, but I would
like to correct the problem if I can at source.
> Regards
> Roddy Kesterton