Hi Will, You didn't mention which mounting mast you using, only that you
have the Dynon Pitot. Which mast you have will determine options. Eric
h Trombley914 Mono Classic William wrote "I did not research this on th
e forum before closing my wings - I thought that I would simply place t
he Dynon Pitot in the same place as the Europa original.
I have received the dynon and it has a larger surface area that the euro
pa item and therefore will exert more stress on the mounting point. it
also has a larger "footprint"
So the options I see are:
Putting the dynon in the same place as the Europa pitot but with some re
inforcement ont he outside. I am assuming that if the europa pitot work
s in that position then the dynon should work too.
Making a new hole which I am loath to do.
I saw various options on the forum history including mounting the dynon
on the wing inspection cover. Has anyone done this?
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