Hi Will,
If you are using the minimalist Europa power system, then in general, your
surmise is correct. The battery supplies power to the "grid" when the
alternator produces less than the charging voltage (say 12V for the sake of
simplicity). When the alternator generates its full voltage or approximately
13.6V, it pushes energy back into the battery and is the source of buss power.
That being said, I have seen a few very crazy things done in OBAM aircraft.
Also, I dare say no one outside the UK uses the exact design provided by
Europa. My own power system uses a "carefully" considered modification of Bob
designs. The advantage of going beyond the minimalist
design includes mainly removal of critical single point failure nodes and the
of secondary sources (I have a second alternator and battery for
the EFIS as I used to do IFR ops).
I have also recently seen crazy things done to other engine systems. A local
gent with a kitfox installed a shutoff valve in his oil reservoir return
line deep inside his cowl to prevent sumping after shutdown. Of course, he
eventually forgot to reach in and turn it back on at some point and completely
bricked his 912s.
This is why I ask for design as built when people ask for troubleshooting help.
Ira N224XS
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