Just to follow on this note in case anyone is wondering.
I fitted my Dyon AP panel and retained the original LED display. I ve
tested it and both trim and LED work fine.
In principle the AP panel drives the trim and the LED receives the location
---From the the servo unit. The two systems are separate although they share
multiwire cable to the servo in the rear of the aircraft. So the white
wires from the servo connect to the AP panel and are used to power the trim
motor. The other wires (green orange blue) are used to provide the trim
position signal to the LED indicator. The LED indicator also has you would
expect power and ground.
I used a different switch from the ray allen one wired per the dynon
William Daniell
+57 310 295 0744
On Sun, Jul 3, 2016 at 4:18 PM, carlp101 <cparkinson@cisc-uk.com> wrote:
> I retained the 2A breaker that was already fitted in my Europa. I just
> wired the pitch motor to the Dynon-AP panel, then re-wired the existing
> trim switch to provide a switched earth to the appropriate pin on the AP
> panel depending on which way you press it. It works like a dream and allows
> you to perform the simulated trim run-away test required by the LAA.
> All the best.
> Carl
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=457697#457697