MichelIl se pourrait bien que je sois int=C3=A9ress=C3=A9 mais sans le r=C3
=A9gulateurOn en reparleAmiti=C3=A9sJP=C2-=C2-
Le Jeudi 29 septembre 2016 18h28, AUVRAY Michel <mau11@orange.fr> a =C3
=A9crit :
Hello all,
I sell a Airmaster propellerAP332. AP332 N=C2=B0111=C2- Dia. 1.65 m (65")
Very good condition, 480 hours of flight. Maintenance every 100 hours
TBO 2000 h
Complete with constant speed regulator or manual.
Take off position, climb,cruse, and feathering position.
Original price =82=AC 6,100 =82=AC
3,500 sold
I can send pictures if you contact me
Good evening
S -
=C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- -Matt Dralle, List Admin.