On 2016-10-25, at 15:20, rampil <ira.rampil@gmail.com> wrote:
> My new app is called Aviation Sunset Calculator in the App Store
> I perform all the celestial mechanics
> calculations inside the phone/iPad
Ira - thanks for producing another handy app. You have a nice clean interface
show the essential info at a glance. You say "This app provides all three night
and day times required by FARs but I can only see 2 sets at present (Std
& Civ). As, in UK, Im not inside FAA jurisdiction maybe it leaves out one?
When I read that you determine the answers by computation rather than lookup, I
wondered if you were using the code published by Jeffrey Sax based on work by
Jean Meeus, but I see from the credits that its a different (public-domain)
I bought Jeans book Astronomical Algorithms over 20 years ago, with the
disc (available at the time on both 3.5 and 5.25 discs!) that had source code
written by Jeffrey Sax in Turbo Pascal, QuickBasic and C. The disc was IBM-PC
formatted but I was able to read and use the C listings on my Mac LC475. I
had a licence to use the code in non-commercial distributions and I got as far
as getting the Calendar (sun & moon rise & set) program running on a glass
interface using Think C. However, I never did get around to putting a proper
GUI on the front of it - should have been building the aeroplane anyway
instead of fiddling with code!
Anyway, your app does the job nicely and I applaud your work in developing it.
If youre at a loose end you might consider adding nautical & astronomical
in friendship
| Rowland Carson ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...
| <rowlandcarson@gmail.com> http://www.rowlandcarson.org.uk
| Skype, Twitter: rowland_carson Facebook: Rowland Carson