I am very happy with my Airmaster prop and controller with the Warp
Drive blades. Set it for the mode of flight (takeoff, climb or cruise)
and it works. I have damaged the blades and the response by Airmaster
has been excellent. I can highly recommend them.
No experience with Woodcomp so I can=99t comment on them.
Blue skies & tailwinds,
Bob Borger
Europa XS Tri, Rotax 914, Airmaster C/S Prop (75 hrs).
Little Toot Sport Biplane, Lycoming Thunderbolt AEIO-320 EXP
3705 Lynchburg Dr.
Corinth, TX 76208-5331
Cel: 817-992-1117 <>
On Nov 9, 2016, at 9:04 AM, jglazener <> wrote:
I am rapidly getting to the point where I need to select my propeller to
go with a 912ULS engine. Having already decided on an in flight
adjustable, the choice seems to come down to the following:
Airmaster AP332 with Whirlwind blades and AC200 CS controller. Eur ~6000
Woodcomp SR3000 with CS5 CS controller. Eur 4000
Woodcomp SR3000 with manual controller. Eur 3500
Based on the price I can surmise thet the Airmaster is better, but is it
twice as good, and more importantly, is the Woodcomp maybe good enough?
Then there is the choice between CS and manual which the Woodcomp
offers. Manual is cheaper and as a first timer I want to keep things
simple, so that has some appeal. The importer also kindly mentioned that
he does not have good experiences with the CS setup, which is either
refreshingly homest or an indication of a dud product.
So which is it to be? Your opinions and experiences would be highly