OK thanks
Bud is a good idea - I will ask him to start with. Failing that a DA20
Did you use a test pilot? Or did you just get in and fly having done the
William Daniell
+57 310 295 0744
On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 11:38 AM, Robert Borger <rlborger@mac.com> wrote:
> Will,
> I agree with Jeff. I did 4 hours of training on a DA-20 before I flew my
> tri-gear Europa. Very similar takeoff and landing speeds and character a
> well as handling in the traffic pattern. I flew with US Aviation here in
> Denton. I don=99t know if they still have the DA-20s or not. I kn
ow they
> have DA-40s & 42s and a crap load of 150s, 152s & 172s.
> The Europa tri-gear is super easy to fly and land.
> Blue skies & tailwinds,
> Bob Borger
> Europa XS Tri, Rotax 914, Airmaster C/S Prop (75 hrs).
> Little Toot Sport Biplane, Lycoming Thunderbolt AEIO-320 EXP
> 3705 Lynchburg Dr.
> Corinth, TX 76208-5331
> Cel: 817-992-1117
> rlborger@mac.com
> On Nov 22, 2016, at 9:33 AM, Jeffrey Roberts <Jeff@rmmm.net> wrote:
> William,
> Just a thought for you based on what I did. I flew a Dimond DA-20 for 10
> hours before my Europa. I remember when landing that long wing thinking
> that if it had a wing two feet shorter it would be much easier to land. T
> Europa is just that and super easy to fly and land.
> Jeff N128LJ
> On Nov 21, 2016, at 3:32 PM, William Daniell <wdaniell.longport@gmail.com
> wrote:
> Does anyone have any suggestions for Training in the USA?
> I am getting real close now. Mine is a tri
> Thanks
> Will
> William Daniell
> +57 310 295 0744