> Hi,
I am wondering what the greater wisdom is of using polyester car bog filler
a ply of epoxy cloth to use as a thickener for my flap fairings? I have a
---From my wing to fuselage fairing, bonded to the root end of my wing,
and a different radius for the fairing that goes from my flap fairing, on my
flap, to the fuselage. The under wing air will trip off my wing and become
beneath my flap to fuse fairing, so I have contour built up the flap fairing
so it ensures the air can hopefully remain smooth. That means this polyester
bog is probably about 6mm thick at the thickest. I could groove it and then
apply flox before placing a single ply of cloth over the top, locking it in
onto the fairing at its edges, glass to glass, or not bother? Any advice or
Tony Renshaw