Thanks David, yes that was another I looked at but is quite a bit more expen
sive. I still look st it from time to time.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 2, 2016, at 7:15 AM, wrote:
> Martin, Have you looked at the Garmin G3X Touch system, which I have found
very impressive in demonstration. Am in the middle of fitting an 8" EFIS wi
th a G5 acting as back up for altimeter, ASI horizon and lots else, tying in
with my old (not very) GNC255A Nav/com system. Both the 8" EFIS and the G5
are beautifully readable in any light and I am not clear that a 10" one wou
ld offer any extra benefit. Doing away with the steam driven back up instrum
ents means there is plenty of room on the panel for all the extras I want. I
am also fitting a remote transponder and small certified GPS so that it wil
l all work for ADSB in and out. The LAA historically insisted on steam back u
p instruments, but they have recently relaxed this edict and I have just hea
rd that the G% is acceptable acting as back up ASI and altimeter
> Regards, David Joyce, G-XSDJ
>> On 2016-12-02 02:44, Martin Tuck wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm still determined to upgrade my Europa monowheel to an EFIS and have p
retty much settled on the 10 inch Dynon display.
>> So I'm in my early stages of panel planning I have determined that the st
andard mono panel moulding is not quite wide enough for the 10 in screen.
>> It needs building up to the left by maybe 1/2 inch which starts to encroa
ch into the recess for the gear/flap handle.
>> My question is, has anyone else already done this and if so, did you make
some kind of gear/flap handle extension that would make it easier to push a
nd pull the handle up and down?
>> I'd be interested in any solutions along with any pictures.
>> Thanks,
>> Martin Tuck
>> Wichita, Kansas
>> ">
>> m
>> ttp://
>> .com