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Europa-List: Re: Bonding transparencies

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Bonding transparencies
From: jglazener <>
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2016 09:28:16

The 1 mm gap is so that the adhesive can properly bond the sides of the window
and rebate as well. Trimming is not as scary as it sounds. I used a belt sander
which works pretty easily. For the final trim it helps to do it on the plane
itself. Have someone  (#1 son in my case) hold it so you can fit-sand-fit-sand
in quick succession. Take care to also not just scuff sand the gel coat in the
rebate but sand it down to the glass. There is a design anomaly whereby the
plexiglas is 1 mm thickr than the rebate is deep. Causes drag, extra filling
etc so try to at least minimise it this way.


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