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Europa-List: CAD Software & Panel Design

Subject: Europa-List: CAD Software & Panel Design
From: BobD <>
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2016 04:21:29

I have started to layout my Panel (see photo), and have a few questions I hope
others can help me with.

1.      Whilst the flanges of the Instruments cover most of my shortcomings 
with a jigsaw, I will probably use these cut-outs as experimental, and once I 
have finally decided on the layout, get the panels professionally cut. I would 
like to use a 2D Cad System to do this, and as hopefully this will be a one-off 
exercise, I have been looking at the free software available. I have narrowed 
the choice down to LibreCad ( or DraftSight 
( Does anyone have any 
experience of either of these packages ?

2.      Rather than starting from scratch it would be good if anyone can let me 
their existing layout in .dxf format, which I could then import into either of
these packages, and  manipulate to my layout.

3.      I have used 2mm aluminium for these panels, but the Circuit Breakers I 
bought (not cheap!) require 1.5mm to snap in. I have made a temporary plate for
these, but am thinking of making the final panels in 1.5mm aluminium. Will this
be strong enough ?

Any other comments/suggestions would be welcome.

Bob Dawson
XS TG || 912 ULS || G-NHRJ

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