CarlI know the feeling, I used a beanbag for a cushion. Made one to fit usi
ngpolystyrene beads to half fill ( if its full it won't reshape) a velvet b
ag.In use just shuffle about and get a new shape every hour or so. The bean
bag will also protect the spine in heavy landings. The beans will crush an
d absorb the energy. A normal cushion will compress on loading but the risk
is that you are still moving down when the aircraft bounces up, which mean
s you hit the seat base twice as hard.
Guaranteed to work! If it doesn't I'll buy you a pint {{{:-)
On Friday, 14 April 2017, 17:05, carlp101 <> wrot
Hi Graeme,
I'm fed-up of getting a numb bum during a long flight. Does you have this p
roblem with your seat? I'm really keen to find a solution, so any help (fro
m anyone on the forum) would be much appreciated.
I flew to Glenforsa for lunch a week or two back and that was 3.5 hours. No
t very comfortable :-(
All the best.
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