837lbs Mono, XS, 914, woodcomp SR 3000W, speed kit, autopilot & v full
panel, gelcoat finish. Includes 3 lbs lead in tail to give ideal COG.
That is a good weight in the sense that I can have full fuel, lots of
luggage and two pax of my size (6- 2" & 82 kg) How to achieve it? Think
light from the start. Don't add anything you do not really need and
always think is there a lighter way of doing this. Use correct,
relatively dry mix for lay ups & always use peel ply. Forget steam age
instrumentation. Do not fit heavy leather fixed upholstery. Cushions are
much lighter and more flexible. Do not use the sort of paint scheme that
needs 5 undercoats, a UV coat or two and several overcoats. Don't paint
close outs and other areas that are not visible or exposed to sunlight.
Gel coat is UV opaque and needs just the single coat, most of which you
wet & dry off! David Joyce, GXSDJ
"flyingphil2" <flyingphil627-europastuff@yahoo.co.uk>
I would like to canvas opinion of what is a good or low empty weight for
a Europa XS tri-gear. Would anyone be willing to share their empty
weights with me (mono XS owners welcome)? Feel free to PM if you don't
want to share the info on the forum.
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