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Europa-List: Re: Europa Fly-In: London, ON, Canada (CYXU) July 7, 8,

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Europa Fly-In: London, ON, Canada (CYXU) July 7, 8,
From: Pete <>
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2017 16:39:15
further to Chris's comprehensive planning document (thx Chris!), i wanted to
 add that current canadian CFS, charts, VTA's etc are all available *for fre
e* using the "Fltplan Go" app available for android and apple. As in the US,
 having these on two devices (one s a backup) satisfies a ramp-check.  Of co
urse all the US charts are available free as well.  The app's download optio
n should be used (instead of online access) as cell coverage in various part
s of Ontario can be spotty.

I'm eager to witness a gaggle of Europas for inspiration!

Cheers and blue skies,

> On Apr 20, 2017, at 2:48 PM, Jim & Heather <> wrote:
> This summer=99s Europa Club North America Fly In will be held in Lon
don, Ontario (CYXU), July 7-9.  London is centrally located and a reasonable
 distance to fly from states east of the Mississippi and north of Tennessee a
nd the Carolinas; as well as parts of Ontario, Quebec and even the Maritimes
> Two club members are based at CYXU.  They=99ve put together some gre
at ideas for our visit, more than we could possibly do in a weekend.  We
=99ll meet for dinner Friday evening and firm up plans for Saturday and Sund
ay.  Please see the attachments for more information on flying in Canada, ac
tivities, and hotel reservations.  
> Whether you=99re flying or driving, it=99s a great opportunity
 to gather with other Europa owners / builders.  Hope you can join us!
> Jim & Heather
> <Canadian Europa Tour 2017.docx>
> <London Ontario Europa Tour Guide.docx>
> <Crossing the US border.docx>
> <Canada Pattern Procedure.pdf>
> <Best Western London Airport Inn.docx>

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  • Europa-List: Re: Europa Fly-In: London, ON, Canada (CYXU) July 7, 8,, Pete <=