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Re: Europa-List: Re: Is ELT and navegation lights required in the USA

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: Is ELT and navegation lights required in the USA
From: William Daniell <>
Date: Tue, 9 May 2017 10:08:39

excellent  much appreciated.

I am getting a bit ahead of myself.  HJ460 is ready to fly but I am waiting
on a combination of the authorities and my flying club for an airworthiness
certificate.  I then have to go through testing and ironing out the bugs.
 The idea is to fly to the USA at the end of the year and then re register
as a US aircraft at some time after that.  Bud already said that it is
possible to do this.

it sounds like I should put some lights in in any case and  I dare say that
an ELT would be a good investment for the flight up through central America
or across the caribbean in any case :-)

Many thanks


William Daniell
+57 310 295 0744

On Tue, May 9, 2017 at 9:31 AM, h&amp;jeuropa <> wrote:

> Will,
> In the US an experimental aircraft will be issued a Special Airworthiness
> Certificate.  That allows operation under FAR 91.319 which specifies day
> VFR only unless authorized for other flight by the FAA.
> With that certificate will come Operating Limitations.  They will state
> that after the aircraft completes Phase I Testing,  the aircraft can be
> operated at night and/or instrument conditions if equipped in accordance
> with FAR 91.205.
> FAR 91.205 refers to FAR 91.207 that states that an ELT is required.
> FAR 91.205 also requires an anti-collision light system (such as strobes)
> for all aircraft and if operated VFR at night, position lights in addition
> to the anti collision lights.
> Lights must conform to FAR 23.   The AC that Fred referenced gives a lot
> of technical details including location requirements.  Anti-collision can
> be mounted on the fuselage, such as on top of the rudder.  But position
> lights are usually on the wing tip.  Here is a guide from Whelen:
> 20Systems.pdf
> So yes, you need an ELT and anti collision lights and if you expect to fly
> at night, position lights.
> We hope this helps.
> Jim & Heather
> Read this topic online here:

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