Hi Kingsley,
I tried emailing you directly yesterday, but for some reason it bounced. It then
struck me that you might not be the only person experiencing problems and the
information may be of use to others, so I'm posting my response to the forum.
Hope it helps.
........... and while I have everyone's attention, if anybody has some nicely
high resolution pictures of Europas, Europa builds, Europa social gatherings
Europa flyins (basically anything that represents Europa ownership) that
we can use copyright free on the new site, I would be pleased to receive them
(email address below).
Hi Kingsley,
I spotted your post on Matronics and thought I'd respond directly.
We are in the process of upgrading the website completely, creating new content
and a new look and feel. As a result - the existing site is running in
only" mode - so some features are no longer working. Please bear with us!
If you have a PayPal account, you can pay us by simply logging on and use the
a payment" facility using our email address of: membership@theeuropaclub.org
If you use your club membership number as a reference we can track your payment.
For the future, the new site should handle this seamlessly.
Contact me if this doesn't work.
Europa Club Treasurer
Email: treasurer@theeuropaclub.org
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