I am not questioning your measurements but your comparisons are between two
props, not between Airmaster/WarpDrive and the high twist Woodcomp. The
low twist narrow blade Wood comp is notoriously bad as far as cruise speed is
concerned. We even have one of our french Europa owner who recently went back
---From this prop to his old ground adjustable WD, because the Woodcomp was
reducing his cruise speed.
[quote="davidjoyce@doctors.org"]Remi, The comparisons I did between low & high
twist woodcomp props were rigorous, all early in the day and over water to
eliminate the risk of catching an early thermal. They were also all done
the test conditions from above, that is doing a shallow dive from something
like 100ft above the chosen altitude and then waiting for the speed to stabilise
whilst flying level. They showed a clear 5 kt advantage at low & middle
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