Thank you David and Rowland.
As to the options, I am trying to stay away from the overlap. Probably not that
bad but it seems the factory intended you to stretch the tape and it would look
better. Even Rutan mentioned it's acceptable for most applications (in the
LongEZ and Cozy plans, which is what I'm familiar with).
My problem is that even with stretch, I am a little short. I'll figure it out
it is obvious per Rowland's log that it is possible.
I'm just surprised that they don't have you use two layers of uni at 30 degrees
and BID in the aileron hinge reinforcements. By the time you stretch the BID
you are probably close to that.
Thanks for the reference to your log Rowland. I actually searched through it and
the pictures yesterday since you do have a lot of info there. But I just didn't
find it since it's difficult to find exactly where in the logs you are building
something of particular interest. But thanks to your reference I have it
now bookmarked.
BTW, when reading your log it's obvious that laying up this vee is a bear of a
job!! It seems that doing all the layers in the poly is the way to go but the
peel-ply removal seems to be a hughe issue. Maybe I will place it not quite all
the way in (stay away from the fillet) and sand the inside a little using the
flat permagrit tool.
Best regards,
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