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Re: Europa-List: Re: Rotax Engine Alternatives - Aeromomentum

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: Rotax Engine Alternatives - Aeromomentum
From: Pete <>
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2017 21:55:18

Indeed a new installation is alot of question.  Sadly the jabiru 
have always been under performers with many technical issues. There are however
very well designed alternatives, such as the ULpower engines. If the smaller
UL was turbo-normalized to 130hp (design rating of the longer stroke derivative
- same heads), with inverted oil, it would be a strong alternative to
the rotax, with less complexity.

The D-motor is also an intriguing design, with minimized parts count and light
weight....although they will likely end up on the trash heap of other designs
such as the gemini junker diesel after being squashed by rotax.

The only point i am trying to make is that there are potential alternatives.  My
perfect engine would be the 915iS......if one can ignore/tolerate rotax's part
price gouging policies.

Cheers and blue skies,

> On Jul 16, 2017, at 7:17 PM, AirEupora <> wrote:
> I'd think long and hard about going to a different engine combination.  Those
of us who have put a different engine on, had a lot of extra work.  I put a 
on mine,  It came with an engine mount and cowling.  The first engine mount
was the wrong one,  the cowling had to be modified to fit correctly, the shape
was wrong for the oil cooler and there no draw to put air out of the cowl.
The Jabiru plenum chambers didn't fit correctly and had to be modified a lot.
There was no customer support as the gentleman that  I it bought from went
out of business and the factory was 12,000 miles away and about ten time zones.
The engine was cheaper, but weigh 54 lbs. more than the Rotax 912,  The Jabiru
was $18.7K Rotax 912 was $24K.   I use about 1.5 gallons more per hour than
the 912 going the same speed.
> I have had four years of headaches,  Just now, I almost have a good flying 
> plane.
That 54lbs, when I bough it.  I didn't think to much about it, but now having
gained 40 lbs,  My plane is a 1/1/2 person plane.
> Build it light and keep it light
> Read this topic online here:

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