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Re: Europa-List: Europa VNE

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Europa VNE
From: GTH <>
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2017 23:17:00
/Le 05/08/2017  23:05, a crit :
> //
> /Gilles, These speeds were at 100% power (as opposed to the 115% max 
> power available on the 914 for just 5mins). It was several years ago 
> now and I have long since lost the paper that had those sort of other 
> details on, but I remember it as a typical British summer day - 
> probably around 20C. At 6500ft & up the pitch was on its coarse stop 
> and probably I could have gone faster with a coarser  coarse setting. 
> I will send you the report written at the time./

Thank you for the details. I'm always interested in hard numbers ;-).
Best regards,

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