Dear All,
Im pleased to be able to announce that the Europa Clubs much vaunted new website
went live this afternoon.
We have listened to your criticism and attempted to address your issues.
A big Thank You goes out to everyone that responded to my request for pictures
for the scrolling banner on the homepage Take a look and see if youre there?
If you feel that youve been missed out, its never too late to send in pictures
for inclusion. Fly-ins, Fly-outs, build, maintenance its all of interest to
a fellow Europafile. Minimum resolution is 72dpi.
To give paid-up Europa Club members something exclusive, all of our technical
is now password accessed. Youll see this as you navigate throughout the site
some bits you can see, others not. As time goes on, we plan to add more premium
content to enhance the benefits.
Weve also place every single Europa Flyer that has ever been published, online.
If you need to search for a long lost article now you can do it. Im currently
reading through them all myself, compiling an index. Ill post this up in the
future to save you the trouble!
We have made it much easier to join and renew online.
Upon joining/renewal, you will be issued with a password that will be valid for
the duration of your membership. Access to members only areas will require your
current email address plus password. For this reason, it is vitally important
that you advise the Membership Secretary ( membership @
) of any change of your email address. We can now recognise you by your email
and password, so you dont need to remember your membership number (not that
most of you could anyway ;-)
I will start emailing each member with your assigned password once you have
you can enter the site and edit your individual profiles. You can then change
your password and add as much or as little information as you feel happy with.
You can also choose to share this information with others (to discover new
owners in your area for instance) or keep it private its your decision.
Ill start sending out your passwords shortly be patient Ive got a lot to do!
Read this topic online here: