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Europa-List: Conversion guidance help needed from newbie :-)

Subject: Europa-List: Conversion guidance help needed from newbie :-)
From: rainbow462 <>
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2017 12:18:10

Hi everyone 

Just joined the forum as I'm seeking a little conversion wisdom from the group,
as I've been offered a half share in a Europa XS monowheel.

I currently have a PPL (M) with lots of flexwing experience but minimal 3 axis,
so just a couple of questions.  I've written to the LAA, the Europa club, Europa
Ltd, spoken to a few schools and devoured the web but am still not crystal
on the best way forward, so thoughts welcome......

1..Am I right in thinking that I can fly a Europa on a NPPL (SSAE) if I plan to
keep to the UK?  I think I need to do min 3 hours+an exam, but would obviously
do whatever is required to reach the standard/be comfortable.

2..Assuming the above any guidance welcome on the best way of going about this?
Could it be better to do the NPPL and taildragger conversion at the same time
on the Europa, or to to do the NPPL first (probably on some sort of non Europa
tri gear) and then separately converting to the Europa afterwards.

3..If I separate the NPPL and the Conversion, any recommendations for things I
should bear in mind for the NPPL bit e.g type of school aircraft to aim for? 
Does it matter most school aircraft seem to be tri gearand potentially very 
---From the Europa?  

Sorry for all the questions and many thanks in advance for any answers

based Hampshire (near Popham)

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