When I balanced mine - admittedly I had not shaved anything off the top - I
not only had to drill a 1/2" hole, I practically had to hollow out the
weights to get them to balance per the manual. It was a very annoying job
with the drill bit catching on the lead etc. I read from the forum
that this is quite common.
So it surprises me that yours balance TE down.... perhaps some pics of your
aileron balance horn and the box into which it fits might be helpful.
William Daniell
+57 310 295 0744
On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 11:22 AM, Rowland Carson <>
> >
> Having got my ailerons back from the painter, I weighed them. The port on
> was 2480g before filling, profiling & painting; that whole process has
> added 625g to make it now 3105g. The starboard one was 2495g, and gained
> 670g to make it 3165g. The paint was 2-pack automotive which I was assure
> would turn out much lighter (and cheaper!) than the gel-coat I had
> originally envisaged.
> I started into the balancing procedure described in the manual. I found m
> hinges are not quite free enough to let the ailerons swing freely from
> them, so I made loops of nylon fishing line, put them under the hinge
> knuckles and suspended the ailerons from them. Alas! - both the ailerons
> balance with the TE slightly down. I find that if I put a lead weight on
> one horn, I can make the aileron balance level. My piece of lead weighs
> 366g and level balance is obtained with it about 50mm forward of the hing
> line.
> Thus the out-of-balance moment towards the TE is 0.0183 metre-kg. I wonde
> if there is any tolerance on the amount of out-of-balance that is allowed
> or is safe - but I don=99t want to take any chances with flutter.
> Avid readers of my online build journal will recall that in May 2003, on
> advice from Neville about getting the proper aileron travel, I shaved a
> little off the top of the lead weights before attaching them to the ailer
> horns. It now appears that either I must have shaved too much or that the
> painting has been much more generous than Neville expected.
> What should I do? I suppose the ideal thing is to rub down all the paint
> back to the glass/filler again and ask the painter to put on a lighter
> coat. I don=99t have access to depleted uranium to insert into the
mass horns
> to make them heavier!
> I hope I might see Andy Draper at the LAA Rally and ask for his advice,
> but would welcome any thoughts others on this forum might have on the
> matter.
> in friendship
> Rowland
> | Rowland Carson ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...
> | <>
> | Skype, Twitter: rowland_carson Facebook: Rowland Carson